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What's a Wine Slushie?
Wine Slushie;

A product that makes wives, moms, and all other women feel like very lucky people. This product will contain wine and fruity flavors and (in premium versions, like Lucky Wife Wine Slushies), the real fruit flavors will start with a 100% real fruit, a bunch of other wonderful things, then Lucky Wife adds a secret blending mix to achieve a creamy smooth finish which clearly defines this treat as an adult treat and not a cheap bar drink.
What makes ours different?

What do you get if you buy some cheap wine, add snow cone syrup and some ice cubes then hit it in the blender a few seconds.........
A crappy frozen drink like the grocery stores sell!
We do it differently!
Lucky Wife's mixologist take real fruit, our favorite wine and the secret blending mix from our Lucky Wife laboratory then freeze mix it for a couple of hours in our Narvon Granita machines then .................. WaLa!

21 Flavors for the 2024 season!

Take them out on the boat!

We work Wedding Events!
Fill your freezer for Girls' night!

Did someone say.... Wine treats on the beach?

Special order for a Special occasion?
We'll do that!
Interested in selling Lucky Wife Wine Slusies?
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